Little-Known Facts About Tractors
Agriculture would not be what it is today without tractors. Farming completely changed from the moment tractors were introduced on the market. Without tractors, we would be short on food supplies. In the past, horses were the main force that dragged heavy things, but today farmers get to choose from wide range of implements used in farming, construction and other industrial workplaces. Tractor front end loaders feature greater lift height, heavy lift capacity and an attach system for implements that help get different agricultural tasks done quickly and more efficiently. If only need to mow a lawn, a mower will do the job, but for larger area a tractor slasher would be ideal. Here are some interesting and useful facts about tractors you probably didn’t know.
- Believe it or not, tractors used to have metal wheels. Metal plates or spikes stuck out of the wheel and caused wheel traction. In the early 30s, tractors with steel wheels were the main source of power on a farm.
- In the late 1800s, the first steam-engine tractors were invented. Many believed this to be a crazy idea.
- John Froelich and Blacksmith were credited for the first tractor ever made. This tractor was designed to move forward and backward and was introduced on the market in 1892.
- The word tractor comes from the Latin word ”trahere” which means to pull. At first the meaning of this word was ” an engine meant for wagons or other implements ”. In 1859, it got new meaning – traction engine.
- World’s largest tractor front end loader is LeTourneau L-2350. Currently these large tractors are produced in the Longview, Texas. A diesel electric propulsion system is used in the production of the L-2350, the same that was used in locomotives.
- There are over 16 million tractors around the world which means that one third of the total energy used in agricultural production is used by tractors.
- Did you know that diesel engines and Budweiser were funded by the same person. The famous German immigrant brought with him his brewery experience and opened a brewer’s supply store. After that he bought the American rights to Rudolf Diesel’s inventions and established the Diesel Engine company.
- In 1890’s, the first petrol-powered tractors were introduced but were not powerful enough to complete most of the farming tasks. However, later in the 1920’s, the first all-purpose tractor appeared on the market and replaced horses.
- It is said that a giant tractor can have up to 12 tires.The tires of a giant tractors can be taller than a human.
- Tractor front end loaders were originally designed and developed by a Swedish company Alo in 1958. These loaders were designed to perform multiple farming tasks at a low price. When different implements are attached to tractor front end loaders various farm activities can be done.