Design Secrets to a Stunning and Functional Front Door Entrance

Having a clean, aesthetically pleasing and well-organised front entry, is very important for both homeowners and business owners. The front door and the path to it can help shape the first impression people get when they enter your house. And more importantly, the walkway to your own sanctuary  can influence your peace of mind on a daily basis. 

Outdoor Décor

For businesses across industries, especially if you work directly with customers, first impressions really make a difference for the success of the company. Luckily, there are easy ways to improve how your front entry looks, while also enhancing its functionality. Best of all, it can be done without having to spend a lot of time or money. 

The appearance of your front door as well as the outdoor flooring and the facade, as the biggest and most important elements of your entrance, will influence the overall look the most. Nevertheless, even if all of that is perfect, without some small additions, the entrance can sometimes seem boring and uninviting. But worry not, there are few little design secrets that can make your front door entrance more alluring, beautiful and even luxurious.

House Number Signs

 The signs that feature the number of your house or your business facility play more than just one role, and all of them important. Of course, the first one is to make it easier for people to find you. This includes guests or customers, but also the mail carriers so that they can bring you the mail. But more importantly, a visible and easily readable house number sign can increase safety. They will make it possible for first responders to find your house easily in case you ever need to call the police, firefighters or an ambulance. 

house number ideas

Nevertheless, aside from the practical uses and the safety factor, there is a third, quite different, but also important role these signs can play if you choose them well. Since you need to have them anyway, why not take the opportunity and invest in beautifully designed house numbers to enhance the visual appeal of your entrance? Of course, any type of number that can be seen from the street will do, but nowadays you can easily find street number signs that can double as stylish decorative elements. 


 Another necessary object in terms of functionality that you can take advantage of, to decorate your front door. Getting a nice letterbox can help you add style to your doorstep. Letterboxes also come in many different styles and designs and can be easily incorporated into the outdoors décor. You can decorate them with other decorative elements, like pots and greenery, to make them stand out. This can enhance their decorative value and make it easier for your mail carrier to spot them. Letterboxes can feature the street number or any other custom writing. 

Both house numbers and letterboxes can be posted in a number of places: right on the exterior house or apartment wall, by the street on a post or on a column, by the gate or on the gate, on the mailbox etc. Numbers can go above the door or on the side, letterboxes can also stand on a post on the curb, etc.

Custom Signs

When you are choosing your sign or letterbox, try to find a design that will work best with the style of your front yard and your house, the surrounding colours, etc. The numbers and any other symbols should stand out, so choose a colour that contrasts the background, as well as numbers that are easy to read.

Custom Signs

 You can create custom street number signs or you can choose one out of many different contemporary stylish designs. Pair the number plaque or the number signs with outdoor decorations, such as pots. Choose a colour and material that will go nicely with your outdoor furniture and other decorations. And of course, a material that will last long and withstand all the different weather conditions. Furthermore, you can add your name or the name of your company, or custom messages like “no junk mail” to your house number plaque or your letterbox.

Outdoor Décor

 For an even more luxurious front yard, don’t forget about decorations as well. Pots, clocks, art pieces, rugs, throws etc., can all be used to get the style you are going for. And if you are blessed to have enough space for an entertainment area in the front yard or your porch, also take advantage of small furniture pieces, like ottomans, lounges, swings, armchairs etc. 


When you are decorating your outdoor areas, you should follow the same rules of thumb as if you were decorating any room. Whether you want your entrance to be minimalistic and contemporary, or you want something more traditional, think about texture, patterns, colours, height, proportions etc., and never forget about balance. 

Outdoor Lighting

Nothing can compare to the power of illumination when it comes to decor, and with so many different inventive options, you can easily create the desired lighting scheme. Light is of course necessary at your front door and your walkway, but, more than that, both the light itself, as well as the light fixtures you choose can add luxury, elegance and style to your outdoor area.


You can choose LED strips or floor-mounted lighting fixtures to mark the walkway, identical scones on both sides of the front door for a different effect, lamps, ceiling fixtures, etc. – the options are endless. The important thing is to take advantage of the aesthetically pleasing properties of the lighting and match it with the rest of your décor.