Learning Is Fun: Interesting Facts About Natural and Artificial Light


The Sun and its brightness have been admired and celebrated by human beings for millions of years now. We have come to the realization that life on Earth without sunlight would eventually become impossible to maintain, as without the Sun’s rays the process of photosynthesis on our dear planet would stop. This would cause the death of all plants as well as all animals that rely on plants for food (yes, we are one of those animals). So, in honor of our life-giving star, we’ve decided to gather some interesting facts about the light it produces and share them with you. Don’t worry, we’ve covered artificial light as well.

  1. Bright sunlight can make some people sneeze. It’s estimated that between 18% and 35% of the human population is affected by the heritable condition that causes people to sneeze uncontrollably when exposed to bright light (known as “photic sneeze reflex”). Experts perceive this condition as a risk factor to combat pilots, which is why many tests of military and civilian aviation goggles and sunglasses have been conducted.

  2. When seen from space, the Sun is actually white. That’s because its light isn’t scattered by Earth’s atmosphere.

  3. The Sun’s rays can reach a depth of 80 meters in the ocean.

  4. Did you know that plants are green because they reflect green light and absorb all the other colors for photosynthesis? Did you also know that some gardeners use artificial light sources (for example, full-spectrum bulbs that mimic natural sunlight) as a supplement or replacement of natural light? Well, now you do.

  1. One of the many reasons LED lights are so popular is the fact that they emit only visible light, which is exactly what makes them more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than conventional incandescent light bulbs. From residential LED lighting solutions to LED flashlights and head torches, LED lights have taken over the world of lighting. So, if you care about Mother Nature and all her children (including yourself), then next time you go camping or night hiking you’ll bring along with you a LED headlamp. I advise you to opt for a quality LED rechargeable head torch. Why? Because a nice LED rechargeable head torch will serve its purpose for a long period of time.

  2. The Centennial Light in California is the world’s longest-lasting light bulb. It’s been burning for 115 years with only a few interruptions during power failures. This light bulb has its own website, in case you want to read more about its exciting life.