Kitchen Sink Myths And Facts
Looking for the right kitchen sink, without having the proper knowledge up your sleeve, can easily be turned into an adventure of deception. As much as having more options to choose from can be a good thing, on the other hand, we have this uncertainty regarding quality and durability.
Many a time, we find ourselves relying on certain common assumptions when choosing from the wide range of kitchen sinks Australia retailers offer. However, it turns out that these assumptions are not as correct as we might have expected. This is what was discovered on one of the most recently performed kitchen sink tests which usually include treating different sinks with heat, sharp objects and intentional staining.
Brand isn’t everything
It might be very hard for us to easily erase the idea that a certain brand can reach a certain level of quality regardless of the material that has been used, but as it turns out, material is everything. Testing different kitchen sinks reveals that stainless-steel sinks are the most impeccable, most durable and simply your best choice. If second place is to be determined, it would go to the solid-surface sinks, although a hot pot or a case of a ‘sharp object falling’ won’t leave the surface undamaged. Hence, it is best to do a thorough research on all models kitchen sinks Australia retailers offer and read reviews.
‘Pricey’ doesn’t always rhyme with ‘best’
As unrealistic as it may sound to you at this point, it turns out that material beats price as much as it beats brand. Regardless of the fact whether the sink costs $189 or $449, if it’s stainless, you should worry less. Material is everything, it doesn’t even matter whether it’s thicker or thinner, stainless surfaces aren’t gonna fail you. They successfully absorb and hush the sound of running water and hold on to the glossy look the longest.
What hue doesn’t do for you
Do colourful sinks have anything else to offer apart from aesthetics? I guess not. Completely susceptible to all kinds of damage, after a while these solid-surface, fireclay, enamel steel and enamel cast iron will give you hard headaches while you tip toe around their gentility. After all, the purpose of a kitchen sink stretches far beyond the kitchen beauty pageant and even if it didn’t, stainless steel sinks look absolutely gorgeous and their beauty and quality are here to stay.
If you are on your way to getting the kitchen you always wanted, remember that the place where you’ll be spending most of your time (the sink!) should be wisely chosen. Within the evaporation of these myths you might find your own drop of expertise and literally sink the previous rather false assumptions.