Get to Know the World of Pumps through Interesting Facts
In a world of countless ingenious innovations, if there’s one thing we all largely depend on, it’s got to be pumps. Just think about it, our country’s been hit by some nasty weather conditions recently, we’ve had our share of storms, floods, and fires, and water pumps have been our helping hands in all these alarming situations. This is why I’m dedicating this article to pumps, and their interesting facts you might not have known.
Since every aspect of our lives today depends on pumps in one way or another, each home, or facility, has their own specific requirements, so when you decide to buy a water pump, you’re going to come across a wide range of options in terms of size and properties. One thing is for sure, you can make the most of a pump when you take all aspects into consideration, such as the liquid you need it for, whether you need it to bring water in or pump it out, the maintenance, the lifespan, and its size – there’s not the one pump that fits every household, business, or industry.
Though it might seem like they are a recent invention (we like to boast about being part of the most ingenious era), the beginnings of pumps go way back to the days of ancient Egypt, 2000 BC more specifically, and the invention of the shadoof used for raising water. Then, in 200 BC, the notable ancient inventor Archimedes, comes up with a screw pump design, used to this day for industrial purposes and agricultural irrigation where electrical pumps aren’t the preferred option.
This was followed by the beginnings of the centrifugal pump by the Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini in 1475. So, when you buy a water pump, think of it as an ancient innovation with modern improvements in the design. It was the French inventor, Denis Papin, who further developed the concept of centrifugal pumps in 1687, only to go under more alterations in 1851 by British inventor John Appold, whose work resulted in the creation of the curved vane centrifugal pumps.
The pioneering design and manufacture of irrigation pumps was carried out by Western Land Roller in 1908, whereas Hayward Tyler, in the same year, created the electric motor for use underwater. It was 1954 that marked the invention of pumps used for the displacement of liquefied petroleum gas (still in use today) by Blackmer, and Smith Pumps, and 1968 was the year of Durco’s chemical processing pumps.
Nowadays, you can come across different types of water, chemical, fire, transfer, and trash pumps, and the fact 10% of the total power consumption worldwide comes from pumps goes to show how dependent we are on them.
Given the fact the chemical industry hugely relies on pumps, averaging 1.25 pumps per employee, if you want to make sure the pump system is a cost-efficient investment, that would pay off in the long run, something considered essential for businesses as well, an upgrade of the system can provide the outcome of payback time of one to five years.
Another interesting and important fact to have in mind is how the instalment of energy-efficient pumps throughout the world can help reduce the electricity consumption by amazing 4%, something to have in mind for your pump system if you’re thinking of cutting your carbon footprint.