Few Facts About Asian Antiques

Asian-inspired decorating style has that special charm that adds warmth, sophistication and simplicity to any room. Asian antiques like low sitting tables, wooden chests, vases and chairs simply give unique and exotic touch to the entire home. Maybe this is why Asian style has become a popular decorating trend. Many are drawn to unusual Chinese paintings and sculptures that grab immediate attention. But being in love with Asian antiques is one thing, understanding them is another.


Owning a piece or two doesn’t make you an expert on Asian antiques. It takes time, knowledge and devotion to make the difference between a fake and a genuine Asian antique piece. To know the real value of your antiques, find a reliable Asian antiques Melbourne store and get an appraisal. Before you begin your hunt for a reputable Asian antiques Melbourne appraiser, check out some of the facts about Asian antiques. You will definitely find them interesting.

  • Asian inspired furniture pieces are made of Eco-friendly materials such as pine and bamboo. Asian antiques are known for their red colours, dark woods and Asian symbols found. The Asian red furniture creates a feeling of mystery, serenity and classiness, rarely found in the modern furniture pieces.
  • Chinese higher seats became popular during the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). Soon, these chairs were part of every home. Unlike other Asian countries that still had the custom to seat on floors, China was using unique seating stools.
  • Did you know that Chinese people invented the curved backrest? The main purpose of this item was to provide greater comfort. The same chair appeared in Europe centuries later. You can still find this antique chair in reliable Asian antiques Melbourne shops.
  • Asian antiques usually were lacquered red and black, and then carved and painted with other materials like precious stones, Asian-inspired themes, etc. Asian antiques made in the Ming Dynasty period are simple and decorated with sparse lines, while the furniture pieces produced during Qing dynasty express luxury and extravagance.
  • Dutch explorers brought antique Chinese textiles in the 16th century. They were fascinated by these materials and brought back samples to inspire many clothing, tapestry and decorative art designers. Wealthy Westerners started using textiles with Oriental motifs in their salons as a focal point of the room.
  • Bronze Asian antiques were usually made in the form of funeral urns, burners and other religious objects. Most popular were the animal figurines that have esoteric meaning related to Chinese folklore. Even today, people believe that elephant figures bring good luck and happiness.