5 Ways To Never Fail Spotting Fakes On Handbags Sale

Fake tan, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake bags… in a world like this one, nothing is surprising anymore. And while some of these may be acceptable and even adored by certain people, if you are a fashion freak who loves getting lost in the world of fashion and accessories, then carrying a fake handbag with you is a big NO.

I get it, you have the finest taste in everything and want to show that because after all, style says volumes of who you are without even having to speak, but sometimes falling under the charms of a fake handbag can be inevitable. I mean, not because of the affordable price, but because of the fact that it looks so good and expensive that you did not even think for a moment it could be a fake one. Unfortunately, fake handbags disguised as real ones are very frequent to encounter today. If your desire is to buy a designer bag, be it on handbags sale or an extra expensive one, make sure you have your eyes wide open so that you can spot whether you have the real deal or a fake in your hands.


It is no lie that original handbags are more expensive than basic ones, but that does not necessarily mean that you have to splash out several hundreds of dollars on a bag. Instead, be smart and do your research; you are sure to come across many online retailers who have handbags sale and find your perfect piece of accessory at a pretty affordable price. However, no matter whether you are shopping for a handbag online or you are holding it in your hands in a store, you ought to know what are the things to pay attention to in order to spot fakes. If you are not familiar with the most important considerations to keep in mind while choosing a handbag, then take a look at my list of the five simple yet very important tips that will help you spot a fake handbag.

Get to Know The Online Retailer

The first thing you need to do is learn more about the store you’re buying from. The overall user interface, organization and design of the website speaks a lot about the merchandise that it sells. Check the About Us page and FAQ section on the website to learn more about the reliability of the store. Also, read reviews of previous customers to learn about their customer service and the quality of the products.

Look for Authenticity Proof

Go through the whole website to spot the authenticity guarantee. If the retailer offers authentic products you will definitely come across labels for guaranteed authenticity and quality. If you cannot find any, move on and look for another online store.

Check the Images

One of the best ways to spot signs showing that a bag is fake, it to check its structure in detail. To do this you need to take a close look of the picture. Reliable online stores provide an option for zooming the picture and viewing it from multiple angles.

Compare Prices From More Stores

One of the biggest advantages of online shopping is the possibility to compare prices from more stores in a matter of minutes. If you notice a significant difference in the price of a same handbag, or in other words, if other stores offer the bag for a much cheaper price, that’s a red flag.

Read the Product Description

Read the full product description in order to learn more about the important details such as materials, construction, country of manufacturing, maintenance considerations, etc. Also, check the details about the logos, magnetic closures and zippers.