Vehicle Inspection Facts


Maintaining you vehicle on a regular basis is quite important. Getting your vehicle inspected periodically may be a hassle, but is worth it. Taking your car to a reputable car service centre Melbourne will save you a lot of money on costly repairs and will also ensure optimal vehicle performance. There are numerous highly rated car service centre Melbourne that conduct professional and thorough car inspection.

Using the services of an experienced vehicle inspection Melbourne shop will increase safety, prolong the lifespan of your vehicle and boost its performance. These vehicle inspection Melbourne shops have team of highly experienced, knowledgeable and skilled professionals and latest equipment to ensure your car is safe at all times. The basic idea of regular vehicle inspection (checking tire pressure, fluid levels, brakes, lights etc.) is to prevent rather than repair. Here are few vehicle inspection facts you should know before taking your car to a car service centre in Melbourne.

  • According to the latest reports from Australian Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, out of all cars on the road, more than 1 in 4 have been involved in an accident.
  • If a used vehicle that has been in a major accident once before, gets involved in another accident, chances of serious injury or death are 80% higher.
  • The number of used vehicles rebuild from parts of salvaged vehicles is 1 in 20.
  • One out of five second-hand cars end up at vehicle inspection Melbourne shops just one month after being purchased.
  • You will better negotiate the sale price of your vehicle if you have an inspection report from a reputable vehicle inspection Melbourne shop.
  • 1% of car accidents occur due to mechanical defects.
  • There were 1,193 deaths on the Australian roads in 2013.