Gain More Independence with the Right Mobility Aid for Your Needs
In the technologically-driven world of today, there is a wide range of aids and appliances designed to help people with disabilities or age-related constraints to be more mobile and independent. These can be used as part of a rehabilitation program as well as for contributing to better integration of people with disabilities in the society. Such devices include wheelchairs, walking aids, prostheses or hearing aids.
Mobility aids are quite beneficial for people who have problems moving and walking alone by themselves. Nevertheless, before buying, it is imperative to consult a healthcare professional as to whether the devices you plan on purchasing for your loved one offer the appropriate care required to keep them active and prevent falls and injuries. Here are the three most commonly used mobility aids for disabled people.
Mobility Scooters
Mobility scooters are similar to wheelchairs, except they have a seat set on top of either three, four or five wheels. They feature handlebars or steering wheels to control the direction and the user’s feet rest on foot plates. These aids are usually battery-powered and are beneficial for people who don’t have the needed upper body strength or flexibility to use a manual wheelchair. Many people who have been using mobility scooters have reported that there is a significant increase in their freedom and independence and that their lives have changed for the better since they have started using them. There are certain rules for using mobility scooters on sidewalks and roads, however, they may differ depending on the area that you live in.
A rollator is a walking aid – it is basically a walking frame with tires. It acts as a traditional walking frame, but it has an improved mobility function. These aids for disabled people offer increased support, help reduce pressure on the legs and redistribute the weight onto the arms. Some of these mobility aids come with additional features and accessories such as a seat or a bag. They provide the user with a seat to rest and storage, which makes shopping and outdoor trips less tiresome. Rollators have improved many lives by providing simple assistance. For example, when used in the home, the rollator offers something the user can rest on while moving from one room to another, which in turn gives him/her more independence.
Walking Sticks
Walking sticks are commonly used to take some of the weight off the affected leg, and they are usually held in the opposite hand to the affected leg. Some people, however, prefer holding the walking stick in their dominant hand which may be on the weaker or injured side. Nowadays, lightweight, folding and colored walking sticks are a more common sight than wooden walking sticks. The best feature to look for in this assistive aid is an ergonomic and comfortable handle that will help spread the pressure and ease the load on the wrist. Tripod sticks and quad sticks are similar to walking sticks, but they come with 3 or 4 feet. They are most beneficial to people who lean on their stick, and the ones who want the additional stability of extra feet.