Less-Known Facts About Car Rental


Renting a car is ideal when traveling to another city or state. However, finding a good car hire Richmond company is not an easy task. It is important to find a reliable car rental Richmond company will has wide range of quality cars at affordable price. Before you rent a car from a local car rental Richmond company, read our less-known facts about car rental you probably did not know.

  • Smaller companies offer lower rates and are as reliable as more popular car and van rentals Melbourne companies. Therefore, browse online for less-known car rental Richmond companies.
  • The taxes and fees on your car rental bill do not go to the car rental Richmond company you rented a car from. That money goes to the city and state institutions and is used for future municipal projects.
  • Extra car rental features you consider free are in fact included in the final price. Make sure you bring own car seat for your kid, GPS and other devices that can be used in the car.
  • Rental rates are higher when renting a car from the airport location. You may pay from 20% to 50% more because additional airport concession recovery charges and fees are included.
  • Fill up the tank before returning a car to a car and van rentals Melbourne company you rented from or you will be charged extra for the gas.
  • Car rental Richmond shops have GPS installed to track rented cars and may charge you for going over the speed limit.
  • Before paying extra for the rental insurance, check with your own insurance company if they cover rentals.
  • Some car and van rentals Melbourne companies charge extra for adding another driver. Check if all rental companies in your area have the same policy.
  • True or False: Returning the car earlier will save you money? False! Depending on the company policy, some car rental Richmond companies do charge the ‘early return’ fee. Carefully read the contract before signing it.
  • Did you know that car hire Richmond shops are allowed to hold up to $500 on your credit card until you return the vehicle. After returning the car, the amount is returned to your account immediately. This is for credit cards only. For debit cards, it might take up to two weeks until you get the money back.