Great Tasks Require Great Precision: The Lowdown on Cross Line Laser Level
Whether you are completely renovating a room, constructing a road or simply hanging pictures, levels are necessary to ensure your projects line up perfectly. And having in mind we live in the era of technological advancements, it’s no wonder that the simple bubble levels people used in the past evolved to be digitalized today. Laser levels can help you accurately determine true horizontals while leaving your hands free to do other tasks such as hammering or drawing lines. The way they do this is by projecting a perfectly straight, laser chalk line across an entire wall, room and distances up to 30 meters.
This is just what this tool can generally accomplish. However, there are different types of laser levels designed to meet different requirements. The most popular and probably the most versatile among these tools is the cross line laser level. It’s called like that because it can produce both a vertical and a horizontal line simultaneously and form a cross. This makes it convenient and fast to check for straight angles, but you can also use these functions independently.
The straight angle function of a laser cross level makes it perfect for fitting kitchen cabinets or shelves, tiling bathroom floors, positioning wallpapers and many other jobs around the home. Some models also include a plumb dot function which can be used when you need to level or plumb something but do not want to be distracted by a visible laser line. Since most models of cross line laser levels are used for home purposes, the normal red beam is usually replaced by a much brighter green beam which is easier to see indoors.
Cross line levels can include many different features such as a built-in magnetic pivot bracket which can allow for mounting on metal surfaces, a micro adjust knob for precise alignment of 90º cross lines over greater distances and more. However, the best feature you can hope to find is self-leveling. A self-leveling model does not require you to manually position it at a straight angle, it can find the true level even if it’s somewhat out of level itself. Every self-leveling cross line level has an internal pendulum that can find the true level, however it can be accurate only within a certain degree range. If you want accuracy, look for a unit that’s designed to accommodate for at least 4° out of level.
Whether you plan to use this tool for DIY woodwoorking projects or home renovations, make sure you choose a laser cross level with a durable design able to withstand rough conditions. In case it falls of its tripod or wall-mounting pivot, the level is supposed to survive without damage. This is especially important for self-leveling laser lines because the internal pendulum is extremely sensitive to impacts.