What Makes Plastic Lures the Most Popular Ones

One of the best ways to develop a feel for bites is by using soft plastic lures. Fishing with these lures generally requires a lot of patience, because you need to feel the fish bite or pick up the lure, and often times when it’s not moving. There aren’t going to be splashes as is the case with top-water lures or tugs as is the case with crank-baits. Knowing which type of plastic baits to use in which situations will eliminate a lot of wasted time. Some of the most popular types of soft plastic lures include paddle tails, plastic worms and french fry baits. Here’s what you can expect from them.

Paddle Tail Fishing Lure Paddle Tail Fishing Lures

These come in various shapes, sizes, colours and brands. If you want to successfully fish at long range over rough, rocky terrain, you need to rig the paddle-tail weedless. Most bass fishermen are familiar with how this is accomplished, and they understand that an extra-strong, wide-gape hook is needed. Not only does this give you the extra strength but it also keeps the bait upright. Since they can be used in both dirty and rough water, paddle tail fishing lures are very convenient to use – all you need to do is shorten your trace and make sure that you fish the lure slowly.

Plastic Worm Fishing Lures

The first plastic worm fish baits were loosely designed, and while they have still remained popular, there are new designs and materials which makes these baits different today than they were a few decades ago. The most important factor to examine when buying these baits is the way they move. Fish are attracted to live prey, so you’ll need to maneuver the bait as if it were alive to attract the fish. Newer technologies have made these baits far more realistic and better at moving.

French Fry Fishing Lures

French fry fishing lures are also referred to as Senko, which is a popular brand, and they might appear as a variety of the worm baits since they’re thin and long, but they’re designed to mimic the appearance of clusters of eggs and insect larvae. These baits are especially popular in Japan and are available in different lengths, from 5 to 15 cm, while the most popular length is 10 cm.

Creature Fishing Lures

These baits came into being similarly to how Frankenstein was put together – from individual parts. All lures that don’t fall into any other category, are referred to as creature lures. A lot of fishermen glue together parts of different types of lures until they create a unique lure. They don’t necessarily have to resemble a real animal or insect.