Beta Alanine: Interesting Facts About A Pre Workout Supplement
There is a lively debate in the fitness world on what type of pre workout supplement is best for reaching the optimal level of performance. You want to be able to push yourself as hard as you possibly can (and even more than that) for getting that muscle break-down process start as fast as possible so that results come faster as well.
So far, the most popular pre workout supplement among bodybuilders and nutritionists is the beta alanine, or most commonly known by its trademark name CarnoSyn. Carnosine is actually the dipeptide of the amino acids beta alanine and histidine, and as such is found in large amounts mainly in the brain and muscle tissues. It is especially important for bodybuilders because it offers support to the immune system and athletic muscle vitality.
What is beta alanine?
Beta alanine is actually a non-essential beta-amino acid and as such it raises muscle carnosine levels in the body and ultimately increases the amount of high intensity work you can do. That’s exactly what bodybuilders aim to achieve – to lift and endure more than their body is able to, which leads to fast muscle break-down process and as a result, a bigger muscle mass. We consume beta alanine through food, although these are some really small quantities. Chicken, beef, pork and fish tend to have a lot of this amino acid.
What it serves for?
By taking beta alanine as a pre workout supplement, you will be able to do more high intensity work in general. To be precise, you’ll be able to increase muscular strength and muscle mass, anaerobic and aerobic endurance and delay muscle fatigue for longer and harder trainings.
How does it work?
Muscles change pH from high to low values when we exercise; they become more acidic because they accumulate a lot of H+ ions. No matter if you’re burning or not, once you put your muscles under pressure, this process starts happening. So, these increased H+ ions (these result from the lactic acid produced in the process of glycolysis which is a result of the breakdown of ATP during exercising) cause the muscular performance problems you experience when you lift heavy weights. Meaning, when pH levels drop, you’re unable to contract forcibly and maintain a certain level of performance during exercising. That’s where beta alanine comes in, or carnosine to be exact. Carnosine makes our type 2 muscle fibres soak up those H+ ions and keep the optimal pH range. When the ph range is optimal and there’s no excess of H+ ions, muscles can perform better and at higher intensity rates.