Interesting Facts About Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen is America’s most popular preacher, televangelist and author of the best selling books ”Your Best Life Now”, ”I Declare” and ”Break Out”. The fact that Joel succeeded to fill a 16,000 seat arena at the former Compaq Center says it all. As a preacher at the Lakewood Church in Texas, he succeeds to attract thousands of people daily. According to Joel, all the bad habits, addictions, dysfunctional relationships, shame and ungodly self images are simply the faces of people and all we all have to do is believe in God’s free goodness and embrace his love and grace. Only faith can save the world.
Joel touches the hearts of millions of people not only through his preachings and books but through television and other media. Together with his wife, Joel held over 130 live ”Night of Hope” events around the world, preaching the gospel and the hope of Christ. Here are some of the interesting facts you should know about this most famous televangelist.
- Joel Osteen preached his first sermon on January 17, 1999, few days before his father John Osteen passed away.
- At first Joel Osteen started copying his father’s preaching style, but afterward he managed to create his own. He teaches according to the Biblical principles and emphasize the power of love and positive attitude. While preaching he avoids eye contact with individuals that can distract him.
- Did you know that Joel Osteen increased the number of attendants in the Lakewood Church from 5,000 to 43,000.
- He is an author of 5 New York Times best selling books. Some of his most known work are: ”Every Day A Friday”, ”Your Best Life Now”, ”Becomes A Better You”, ” Break Out’”, etc.
- The ”Your Best Life Now” book was on the top of the The New York Times Best Seller list for more than 200 weeks. This was sold in over four million copies.
- Although not the The New York Times Best Seller, Joel’s book Break Out was and still is one of his more popular works.
- Break Out was published in 2013.
- Joel Osteen is the most inspiring Christian in the US, who affected the lives of thousands of people through his life changing book ”Break Out”. Joel preaches that we are not created to live an average life or feel unfulfilled, and that God has a plan for each one of us. Through his book, he gives five unique ways how to live life without limitations.
- I-Tunes reported that Osteen’t weekly audio and video podcast has around 10.5 million download each week. Not only that, his program reached 10 million American viewers in the last few years according to the Nielsen Media.