Few Facts About Automatic Transmission
An automatic transmissions is a type of motor car transmission designed to change gear ratios automatically, as the car moves. This frees the driver form having to shift gears manually. Beside usual automatic transmission, there are also other types, such as: semi-automatic, continuously variable and manual transmission. They first two also free the driver from the need to change the vehicle gears manually by using the computer. The manual transmission, characterized by the ability to shift gears manually, is popular in Europe and in Australia, and is generally the base equipment in a vehicle, with the option to be automated.
If you have ever driven a vehicle with an automatic transmission, then you probably know that there are some big differences between the automatic and manual transmissions. Automatic transmission has no clutch pedal and once you put the transmission into drive everything is automatic. Both transmission types accomplish the same thing, but in different ways. Just like any other part of your vehicle, automatic transmission also can brake down. In case you notice something unusual you better go to experienced and reputable transmission service Brunswick shop. In addition to this, here are few facts about automatic transmission.
- The automatic transmission was introduced back in the 1939.
- Transmission fluid is the main and most important part of the automatic transmission.
- As many as 9 out of 10 automatic transmission failures are a result of transmission fluid contamination and overheating.
- Just like engine oil, automatic transmission fluid is prone to friction, heat, degradation and oxidation. All this can cause the vital parts of the transmission to clog what can lead to more serous car problem. Therefore, it is essential to take your vehicle to a transmission service Brunswick shop for transmission inspection.
- Unlike the engine oil, when changing transmission fluid, it does not all drain in the pan. In fact, most of it stays in the valve body, torque converter and transmission lines. So when you take your car to a transmission service Brunswick shop for a transmission fuel change, know that the mechanic will only replaces 25% of the fluid. This means that 75% of the old transmission fluid is still in your transmission.
- The main cause for majority of automatic transmission failures is the fact that the transmission fluid oxides with time being less efficient.
- Main culprit for transmission fluid oxidation is the heat. The fluid is exposed to high temperatures what brakes the fluid down faster. For this reason, take your vehicle to transmission service Brunswick shop for fluid change according to your logbook.
- Regular automatic transmission fluid change is essential to ensure impeccable vehicle performance and long service life. According to experienced mechanics, it is best to change transmission fluid once for every three engine oil changes.