Thinning Hair Facts

Although male population is mostly affected by the thinning hair and hair loss problems, women also suffer from these disorders. Hair grows about a 1.25 cm in a month. Usually, it grows for about 2 to 6 years, rests, falls out and then new hair grows in its place. Even though this is common for most people, it is always the case. And when this growth pattern changes, it is either due to thinning hair or other form of hair loss.

thinning hair

Thinning hair and hair loss occur as a result of numerous different reasons, especially true for women. For example, any hormonal change in the body can affect the hair growing process making hormones one of the main culprits for thinning hair and in some cases even baldness. Many women experience hormonal changes during and after menopause and many find that they have thinner hair. Even though new hair does not grow, the hair follicles still remain alive, which leaves open space for new hair growth. Another reason for thinning hair is pregnancy. If you experience hair loss during your pregnancy, it may be due to a mineral or vitamin deficiency. Here are few more thinning hair facts.


  • About 30% of all women will experience hair loss (thinning hair on top of their head) by the time they are 50.
  • Thinning hair and hair loss are closely linked to genetics. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that alopecia areata, a form of hair loss, occurs due to genetic inheritance from eirther parent.
  • Many women do not wash or comb their hair often because they think that this speeds the hair loss. This is a myth. The truth is that by brushing you in fact remove dead cells thus stimulate the hair regrowth.
  • Just because you saw a lot of hair in your shower drain or on your comb, it does not necessarily mean you have thinning hair. It is best to visit a doctor to determinate the reason for increased hair shedding. If the shedding is caused by nutritional deficiency, improving your diet and taking supplements will stop the hair shedding.
  • Perming, straightening and colouring is fine as long as it is not painful. If you experience pain during any of these hair styling procedures, it is a sign that your hair follicles are damaged. This usually leads to thinning hair and hair loss problems.
  • Androgenetic aplopecia is genetically connected with thinning hair.
  • Thinning hair and hair loss usually begins between ages of 12 and 40.